Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"It's a sign from God."

Please excuse what appears to be a filthy, disgusting mirror - I promise that it is clean, but for some reason the flash on my point-n-shoot picks up every existing speck of dust or nick in the glass... Anyhow, here is my roundness as of a few minutes ago, at 14 weeks pregnant. You'll see the more professional looking ones (from the side against the brown wall with me wearing black pants) only every 4 weeks because Kristian has only agreed to photograph my belly every month. Quite the fussy artist he is. I know, however, that women pregnant with multiples change practically over night and I want to do photos every two weeks - even if it's just the casual, self-shot kind like you see above. Please note the rockin' tan that I have from being out on the boat.
On to a great story from the other night.... Kristian and I met up with his sister Jamie and her 4 kids: Kahrin, Grant, Kane and Lucas for Grant's dinner birthday on Tuesday at Dave and Busters. Holy iish, he's 12. I'm old. Anyhow, after dinner we all went to go play games - and of course you have to walk by Candy Row before you hit the games from the dining room.... Well my sweet tooth diverted my eyes right to the giant gumballs you see in this photo - I had a bunch of quarters so I decided to spin for one, curious what color would pop out. PINK! was the first. Well, of course I had to spin for a second one, "what are the chances," I thought to myself, "that I'll spin a pink or blue out of all these colors..." Well, BLUE! was what popped out, which is, of course, "a sign from God." (Sorry, movie quote this time, not song). How funny is that?! Seriously, as you can see (just left of Kahrin), I could have spun a red, purple, yellow, orange, white, multi-colored or green.... So, those of you that chose the boy/girl combo, just may be right..... Hmmmm.
And here is Lucas ("Lukie"), what a cutie pie, eh? I can't believe he's 15 mos already!!

And here's a funny one for you from just a couple hours ago - how many people do you know have started and almost finished washing their cars... only to have it start storming on them??

Well that's just what he gets for being so fussy, eh? Thanks anyway, baby.


Meredith said...

It's totally going to be a boy and a girl. I think destiny is shouting out to you!

How hilarious that KK was washing the car in the rain! It only figures that it would rain on a clean car...

Joanna Kleine said...

I know - I think it's hilarious because he's so onory all the time! He's so cute and such a good sport though!

L Photographie said...
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L Photographie said...

YEP. That was my vote, BOY and GIRL.
I still can't believe you're having twins. It really is awesome.

Oh, and enjoy the final few weeks of your 20's!!! 30 sucks. Although, you won't care about your own age once the babies get here... then it will be about their age!

- Kristie Cromie